Kezdőlap Recipes Very tasty crescent rolls with plum jam!

Very tasty crescent rolls with plum jam!

I usually bake two doses, one isn’t enough for us. My grandma called it the crescent rolls of the poor.


  •  1 half liter of, attention, liter, no kilogram, flour,
  •  a margarine or 15 dkg fat (I prepare it with fat),
  •  1 tbsp of vinegar,
  •  3 tbsp water
  •  a bit of salt.


Knead it well so the dough is easy to stretch out. If it is not soft enough then add a little water. Twist the dough to be about 25 cm and then divide it into 8-10 pieces. Stretch all the pieces to be approx. 18 cm wide and 25 cm high. Cut the pieces into 12 triangles. Put plum jam close to its edge and then roll them up into a crescent roll.
When it is still hot roll them in vanilla powdered sugar. Leave all the sugar it takes up. Yo can see two doses here, 240 pieces, two big baking pans. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe by Sallai Catalina