A blind dog was left alone, but she managed to find a new loving home

A woman taking a walk in a park in California was the one to spot the frightened pit bull crouching on a bench. When she realized that this is the way someone wanted to get rid of the dog, she got very outraged, especially when she saw the dog was blind. The lady informed the animal rescue immediately. They came to the park in Santa-Maria quickly to help the frightened dog. Poly – that was the pit bull’s name – was shivering from fear and wouldn’t move away from the bench. The people from the animal rescue had to calm her first and only after this could they take her to a vet. The results of the examination were pretty bad with regard to Poly’s state.

She had problems with her heart and her general health was far from what is considered normal. But thanks to the hard work of the staff of the animal rescue and the vet Poly got much better.

The staff and the animal rescue organization decided to find a new family for her, so they shared the dog’s sad story on Facebook and they uploaded a photo as well of this poor dog.

ForeverHome Pet Rescue is an animal rescue organization established by Jennifer Wales. She made this organization to help animals that were hurt and the ones, who lost their owners. When she saw Poly and read her story, she didn’t wait a second but already informed them that she wanted to adopt the dog. Poly reminded her of another white pit bull, who had a very important role in her life a few years earlier.

Unfortunately, Poly and Jennifer could not spend too much time together because Poly passed away soon, but it is nice to know that Poly spent her last months loved and in a secure place.