Cocoa swirl is a big favorite in the family so this what I prepared today. This recipe worked really well for me.
- 50 dkg fine flour,
- pinch of salt ,
- 3 tbsp sugar,
- 1 egg yolk,
- 1 egg,
- 2.5 dl milk,
- 2 dkg yeast,
- 15 dkg melted butter.
Add all the ingredients into the bread maker, except for the melted butter and start the kneading. About 10 minutes later start adding the melted butter in small portions an continue the kneading process. Then you can either leave the dough in the machine or put it into a separate bowl and let it double its. Pour flour on a bakeboard and then stretch the dough to a 3 mm thickness. Spread apricot jam on it in a thin layer and then add some cocoa powder (I usually use sweetened cocoa powder). Now roll it up like a bejgli starting from the longer side. Cut it into two fingers fat slices. It can be baked in two different ways. One way is to put them close to each other into a baking sheet with a higher wall. This way they will grow upwards and they will be softer. The other way is to put them in a bigger sheet and leave a bit of space between then (like I did here) and now they will run sideways. Either way, leave them to knead for 30 minutes before putting them in the oven. Turn on the oven to 180 degrees – bake from upwards and leave them in the oven for about 20. minutes.
Recipe by Ballér Klaudia and Világos Zsolt